Capitol Vintage Charm

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Decorating with Vintage Portraits


I remember when I first saw this image I gasped.  This collection of vintage portraits of George Washington was just everything to me.  We are major history buffs over in the House of Harvie.  And, personally, I love vintage portraits. 

They add a number of different things to a room.  I think they can add soul and a level of personality to any space.  They can be moody or bright.  They can absolutely transform a space. 

I found this bad boy for my husband’s birthday at a flea market a few weeks ago.  He needs some attention and a new frame but I am obsessed with this 1920's reprint of George Washington. 

Now we are trying to figure out where to put him.  And it got me thinking about how to best display them.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.  How do you have yours grouped?

Do you like keeping them all together?


Do you like sporadically placing them around your house?


Do you like to make them stand out and be the center of attention in a space?
